Friday, August 28, 2009

Menyambut Kemerdekaan

Negara akan menyambut kemerdekaan yang ke 52 dengan semangat yang makin malap. Ketegangan hubungan antara kaum semakin meruncing. Kes kuil india di shah alam, kg buah pala di penang dan banyak lagi kes-kes yang bersifat perkauman mencacatkan sambutan kemerdekaan negara tahun ini.

Apa yang berlaku ini sebenarnya merupakan suatu rentetan peristiwa yang menyaksikan bagaimana gagalnya kita hidup dengan aman dalam masyarakat berbilang bangsa. Walaupun secara amnya kita dilihat bersatu, namun dalam hati masing-masing, semangat perkauman terlallu kuat.

Yang sedihnya, orang Melayu dilihat terlalu mengambil mudah dan bersikap tidak apa apabila hak mereka senantiasa dipersoal. Contohnya isu minum arak oleh Kartika, semua bangsa lain mengambil kesempatan untuk menemplak institusi kehakiman syariah negara. Lebih malang lagi ramai pula orang Melayu sendiri (pemimpin dan rakyat) yang memperlekehkan hak mahkamah umat islam di negara ini.

Kartika sendiri dengan penuh redha bersetuju dan ingin menjadikan hukuman itu sebagai teladan untuk orang lain tidak mengulangi kesilapan yang beliau lakukan. Besar pahala beliau kerana mempunyai niat yang begitu baik. Setiap undang-undang dan hukuman dijatuhkan supaya dapat menjadi teladan kepada yang lain.

Ini bukan kes pertama. Wahai rakan-rakan bukan Islam, tolonglah jangan campur tangan dan keluarkan komen terhadap agama Islam kami!. Sarang tebuan jangan dijolok, nanti padah akibatnya! Jangan sampai 13 mei berulang kembali!

Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Can We Be A Better Man Just By Getting Right Education And Without Regulation

Last few days the Muslim and non Muslim commented in Malaysiakini on PAS Selangor suggestion on banning Alcohol selling in Muslim majority areas. Most Malaysiakini readers opposed to the PAS ideas on the basis of we do not need to be regulated to comply with our religion obligation. I can understand if it is coming from non-Muslim because they are ignorance on our religion but when it comes from our own fellow Muslim, it is sickening!

Dato' Dr Narimah Awi and Shamsul even call them self a good Muslim! What's wrong with you all? If you feel (including the non-Muslim) that just by getting the right education without the needs to regulate laws or enforcement can deter people from committing sins then we do not need to catch criminal, remove all the laws regards to any enforcement and use just education only and please let me know what you feel will happen.

Dear Dato', FYI incest happened because the enforcement of regulations is weak! If only hudud is implemented no one will even dare to do it. In Islam FYI we teach our children to practice solat at age of 7 but we are encouraged to scold them when they did not comply by the time they reach age 10. So still thinking your thoughts is aligned with Islam?

For non-Muslim, STOP! I mean please STOP give comments on our religion! You do not know and you do not understand! We can forgive you all because you don't know but if you keep on provoking us, we will just have to teach you all a lesson. We have already giveaway so much to you all. Please do not test our passion.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jeff Ooi & Ronnie Liu - Change Your Mind-Set or Go To Hell

Recent issues created by this chauvinist leader justify why Malays can't afford to give away thier special privillage to non-bumi. Untill the majority on non-bumi really understand on Malay religion and respect Malay feelings they should not even try to question the Malay special privillage as protected by the country constitution.DAP adviser, Lim Kit Siang comment on PAS Selangor calling for removal of Ronnie Liu is also very selfish and not sensitive to the Muslim's feelings. Please let us understand if you all become leader just to fight for alcohol selling? Please let us understand and provide proof which religion in the world allowed drinking of alcohol? If you and your community decided not to live a healthy life by consuming alcohol drinks, please as the people leader do not encourage others to follow you suit.The MCA leader sarcastically question how to define what is Muslim majority area? Is it stupidity or complete ignorance? How many percent of non-Muslim stayed in Section 2,3,4,6,7,8 Shah Alam? . You knew Shah Alam is a Muslim majority areas. What do you all (MCA, DAP) achieved by fighting to sell alcohol ? It's the same with smoking, prostitution, drug and other non-healthy lifestyle. Even though MCA can tolerate their leaders engaging prostitutes please do not encourage others (be it non-Muslim or Muslim).Jeff Ooi clear ignorance after many years of the country independence failed to understand the basic understanding on Islam. He still do not even repent and his arrogance shows even after was asked to apologize by his boss (CM Guan Eng) stick to his stand.The Malay have always tolerate with the non-bumi even though we make up more than 65% of the country population. Please bear in mind, we are not stupid, we are not weak and please change your perception before it’s too late.Do not wait until Malays fed up and we are already at the edge. So fellow racist Chinese and other non-bumi please take note and do not make a wrong mistake too many, too open and if you dream of united Malaysian, you must change!